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Getting Hands On with Linux and System Operations - Week Four

The author learned about Linux, an open-source operating system used in servers, cloud environments, and desktops, which offers robust security, flexibility, and customization options. Understanding Linux is crucial for cloud engineering as it forms the backbone of many cloud environments. The author explored various commands and tools to navigate directories, manage files, check system information, configure networks, and use package managers and text editors. The author learned essential commands to manage directories, including pwd, man, cd, ls, mkdir, and rmdir. They also learned key commands for file management, such as touch, rm, cp, and mv. The author discovered commands to view and manipulate file contents, including head, cat, tail, echo, and more. They learned about the Linux file structure, including important directories like /home, /etc, /var, /bin, /usr, and /lib. The author also learned system information commands, such as uptime, free, ps, df, fdisk, lsblk, top, and htop. Additionally, they learned network commands, including ifconfig and ip, and package management commands, including sudo, apt, and apt-get. Finally, the author learned about text editors, including nano and vim, and reflected on the importance of these foundational skills for efficient and effective system administration.