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1Password and Charging for SSO

1Password, which recently acquired Kolide, sponsored Daring Fireball last week. The SSO tax, a practice where software vendors charge an outrageous premium for Single Sign-On, is a significant issue for IT and security professionals. This tax can result in a price increase of over 5000% for the tier with SSO, making it unaffordable for most companies. However, businesses of all sizes need SSO for security reasons. Until the SSO tax is eliminated, companies may need to rely on password managers to manage their credentials securely. Password managers can reduce weak and reused credentials and enable secure sharing across teams. They are also a good investment for apps not integrated with SSO. To learn more about the SSO tax, read 1Password's full blog post. The SSO tax is an issue that affects not just large companies but also smaller ones. It is essential to find a solution to this problem to ensure that all businesses can access secure and affordable SSO options.