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Chase Bank Issues Fraud Warning After ATM Glitch Videos Spread Online

Chase Bank has issued a fraud warning after videos showing people exploiting an apparent flaw in the bank's system went viral on social media. The videos depict individuals depositing fraudulent checks for large sums of money at Chase Bank ATMs and then withdrawing significant amounts, believing they found a glitch that allowed them to get free money. However, a spokesperson for Chase Bank stated that those individuals were likely committing fraud and that the issue has been resolved. The bank warned customers not to mimic what they see online, as depositing a fraudulent check and withdrawing the funds is considered fraud. Check kiting, a form of check fraud, involves covering a bad check from one bank account to another and can be a felony crime in some circumstances. Financial educator Jim Wang advised that if a large sum of money appears in a person's bank account, they should inform their bank immediately. Wang also warned that just because money appears in an account, it doesn't mean it's literally yours, and if spent and forced to pay it back, the individual will have to figure out a way to repay it. Chase Bank or any other victim can seek civil compensation from the individual who committed fraud, with the amount varying from state to state.