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Hacktoberfest: How You Can Contribute to Open Source and Make a Difference in 2024

Hacktoberfest is a month-long event in October that encourages people to contribute to open-source projects, learn new things, and connect with others worldwide. It was launched by DigitalOcean and GitHub in 2014 and has grown into a global event. Anyone can participate, regardless of experience, by writing code, fixing bugs, working on documentation, or offering feedback. Participants can earn a free Hacktoberfest T-shirt or plant a tree by submitting at least four contributions, called "pull requests" or PRs. To join Hacktoberfest, sign up on the website using your GitHub or GitLab account, find a project to contribute to, and start making changes. You can find projects by looking for Hacktoberfest tags, following your interests, or checking out curated lists of participating repositories. Once you've made changes, submit a pull request, and track your progress on your Hacktoberfest dashboard. Hacktoberfest is a great way to level up your skills, build connections, make an impact, and earn swag. This year, the event has a focus on sustainability, and participants can choose to plant a tree instead of receiving a T-shirt. To make the most of Hacktoberfest, start early, follow project guidelines, ask for help when needed, focus on learning, and prioritize quality over quantity.