RSS Towards Data Science - Medium

A Guide to Clustering Algorithms

Clustering, an unsupervised learning technique, groups similar data points together. Centroid-based clustering (e.g., K-Means) uses defined centroids to assign data points to clusters. K-Means++ improves initialization by ensuring well-separated centroids. Density-based clustering (e.g., DBSCAN) identifies high-density areas without requiring a predefined number of clusters. Hierarchical clustering constructs a dendrogram to link data points based on distance and allows for customizable cluster selection. Distribution-based clustering assumes data follows probabilistic distributions and assigns data points based on confidence intervals. Each clustering type has strengths and weaknesses, such as centroid-based's sensitivity to outliers and density-based's robustness against them. Clustering algorithms are versatile tools in data science, aiding in tasks like market segmentation, recommendation systems, and exploratory analysis. Understanding different algorithms enables data scientists to choose the best approach for their specific use cases.