Python 3.13 is set to be released soon, with new features such as a modern REPL and improved error messages. However, the release has been delayed due to last-minute performance considerations, with a new target date set for next week. In the meantime, users can try out experimental features like free threading and JIT versions of Python 3.13.
Real Python has published several tutorials and articles on the new features in Python 3.13, including a preview of the modern REPL and a guide on when to upgrade to Python 3.13. Additionally, there are articles on using pdb and breakpoint() for debugging, as well as customizing object creation with __new__.
Other articles cover topics such as Django project ideas, refactoring Python with Tree-Sitter and Jedi, and using asyncio gather() in the background. There are also tutorials on advanced Python import techniques and prompting a user for input.
The Django Software Foundation is accepting nominations for the 2025 DSF Board, and there are several upcoming events, including PyConZA 2024, Canberra Python Meetup, and Django Day Copenhagen 2024.
Snyk is hosting DevSecCon 2024, a conference on developer security, and registration is still open. Real Python is also hosting weekly office hours for Q&A and has published several quizzes on topics such as using pip and Python virtual environments.