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Large Language Models (LLMs) are transforming software development by enhancing productivity and streamlining processes. The open-source completion project, Chatminal, is a command-line tool that leverages the OpenAI Chat Completion API through Langchain. It allows users to interact with the API directly from the terminal, providing a flexible and user-friendly CLI for tasks such as code translation, documentation generation, and more. Chatminal uses a custom function to dynamically parse command-line arguments, allowing for a flexible CLI. It also features robust error handling and logging for debugging purposes. The tool can accept one or multiple files as input and process them accordingly, reading content from JSON or plain text files. To generate completions, Chatminal uses the LangChainOpenAI function, which requires parameters like input text, output file, temperature, max tokens, and API key. It streams the output from the OpenAI API directly to the terminal, providing real-time feedback. By integrating LLMs into tools like Chatminal, developers can significantly improve productivity and streamline software development processes. Examples include creating README.MD from source code, conducting code reviews, and more.