Git Bash is a Windows-friendly version of Git, the popular version control tool. It installs Bash, a command terminal emulator, allowing Windows users to use Git commands and Bash commands.
Git Bash is installed as part of Git for Windows and requires following installation instructions.
Basic Bash commands include pwd for current directory path, ls for file listing, and cd for directory navigation.
Git Bash can be used with GitLab by adding the remote repository URL and authenticating with credentials.
Basic Git commands like commit, push, branch, and checkout can be used within Git Bash.
Git Bash and GitLab are compatible, allowing for code pushing and retrieval.
Git Bash provides a terminal emulator for Git and Bash commands in Windows.
Shells, like Bash, enable task automation, computer control, and system function access.
For further information, refer to the linked resources on Git version control, Git updates, and Git pull vs. Git fetch.
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