RSS Musings on Markets

Aswath Damodaran is a financial services professional who blogs to offer investment insights and methods for evaluating financial securities. His website has a vast library of articles, models, spreadsheets, and teaching materials related to finance. He advocates for identifying intrinsic value rather than market price in investing, suggesting that this will be the foundation for picking stocks successfully. Damodaran also emphasizes the importance of patience in the face of market volatility, stating that time is a valuable tool in the fight against short-term highs and lows. Additionally, the site contains information about different asset classes, including options and other derivatives. It also examines various valuation techniques, such as discounted cash flow, earnings, and asset-based approaches. There is also discussion on the role of risk in investments, how to mitigate it, and the cost of capital. The material provided on the site targets both students of finance as well as experienced investors. It aims to provide an approach that is both grounded in theory and in practical application. Through his blog, Damodaran hopes to simplify the complexities of finance for his audience.
Musings on Markets
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