Elon Musk's takeover of X has led to an increase in misleading information and unchecked claims on the platform. A report by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) reveals that 209 out of 283 misleading election posts received over 2.2 billion views without any corrections. The Washington Post also conducted an investigation, finding that X's Community Notes feature, which relies on user-driven reporting, is ineffective in controlling misinformation.
The Post's investigation found that a false claim made by former President Donald Trump about Haitian immigrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio, spread widely on X without correction. Musk's own account has been targeted with proposed Community Notes, but one of his posts containing a manipulated video of Vice President Kamala Harris remains uncorrected with 136.6 million views.
X's VP of Product, Keith Coleman, defended the Community Notes feature, citing previous academic research that shows posts with a Community Note are 60% less likely to be shared and result in an 80% increase in post deletions. However, the CCDH continues to monitor Musk's account for false posts and has been a vocal opponent of Musk and X.
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