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Telegram will start moderating private chats after CEO’s arrest

Telegram has removed language from its FAQ page stating that private chats were protected from moderation. CEO Pavel Durov, recently arrested in France for allegedly neglecting criminal activity on the platform, has announced increased content moderation. Telegram's FAQ page now includes instructions on how to report illegal content. The company's abrupt growth to 950 million users has reportedly facilitated abuse by criminals. Durov has taken personal responsibility for improving moderation. French authorities have charged Telegram with distributing child sexual abuse material and drug trafficking and accuse it of refusing cooperation. Durov's arrest follows concerns about the company's lack of cooperation with law enforcement. The changes in Telegram's FAQ suggest a shift in the company's approach to content moderation. Durov acknowledges the platform's growth challenges and promises to improve moderation measures. The full extent of Durov's arrest and its implications are yet to be fully understood.
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