In the world of cryptocurrency, the concept of a wallet can be confusing for many people. A private key or keystore file is a personal key protected by a password, while a mnemonic phrase is a set of words that can access multiple private keys. A single account has only one private key or keystore file, but a mnemonic phrase can control and access multiple accounts. This is because a mnemonic phrase, also known as a "Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet," creates accounts by combining the phrase with a derivation path using complex mathematical cryptography. Derivation path is a sequence of logical steps to obtain a function or equation from another, similar to how a single wallet can have multiple compartments. Each compartment is a derivation path, and each compartment is still in the same wallet. The appearance of a derivation path is m/44'/501'/0'/0'/0, where each number indicates the private key, public key, and location of the sub-compartment and its changes. To get more wallets from the same phrase, just add numbers to the end. For example, Address #1: m/44'/501'/0'/0'/0, Address #2: m/44'/501'/0'/0'/1, and so on. With the magic of mathematics, we can divide our wallet into smaller compartments starting from the mnemonic phrase beautifully.
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