In the latest Release Radar, GitHub highlights several open source projects that have shipped major version updates. Bubble Tea 1.0 is a new, fun, and functional way to build interactive terminal applications using the Go framework. Neo.mjs 7.0, a JavaScript frontend framework for building enterprise applications, introduces new syntax and support for running multiple environments or versions on the same page. Chips-n-Salsa 7.0, a Java library for evolutionary computation, has breaking changes and new features including configurable source of randomness and code improvements for enhanced performance. PostCSS Preset Env helps convert modern CSS into readable browser code, with the latest version supporting CSS nesting and requiring Node.js 18 or higher. PlayCanvas 2.0 is a WebGL and HTML5 game engine that has removed WebGL1 support and introduced new rendering features, materials, and blending tools. Material UI 6.0, a component library for React, adds a new flag to generate CSS variables from serialized theme values and introduces simpler ways to implement light/dark mode. Typesense 27.0 is a typo-tolerant, in-memory, fuzzy search engine with new search parameters and AI search improvements. GraphQL for .NET 8.0 is an implementation of GraphQL for .NET, featuring dozens of changes including removed deprecated methods and better error messages. WebdriverIO 7.0 is a test automation framework with new commands, custom hostname support for component tests, and support for fake timers. Lastly, jsdom 25.0 is a pure JavaScript implementation of web standards, requiring Node.js 18 or higher and ensuring consistent and predictable behavior of objects within jsdom.
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