Apple has announced that it will launch its Find My feature in South Korea in the spring of 2025. The service has been unavailable in the country for years, making AirTags, which Apple sells in South Korea, essentially useless. User complaints have been cited as a reason for the change, with Apple previously stating that the feature was disabled due to "internal policy." South Korea has strict privacy regulations and is protective of geographic data, which may have contributed to the delay. The Find My feature already works in some of South Korea's outlying territories, such as Baengnyeongdo and Ulleungdo. The launch of Find My in South Korea is expected to be beneficial for users who want to keep track of their belongings. Apple has not provided further details on the reason behind the change in policy. The company's decision to bring the feature to South Korea may indicate a shift in its approach to navigating local laws and regulations. The success of the Find My feature in South Korea will depend on its ability to function as intended.
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