RSS Daring Fireball By John Gruber

Russian Court Hits Google With a Fine Larger Than the World’s GDP

A legal dispute between Google and Russia has resulted in a massive fine over suspended YouTube accounts. A Russian court ordered Google to restore Russian media accounts on YouTube, but the company failed to comply. As a result, the fine has been doubling regularly for years with no cap on the total amount. According to Moscow-based lawyer Ivan Morozov, the cumulative fine has reached 2 undecillion rubles. This figure is equivalent to about $20.6 decillion at the current exchange rate. A decillion is a number followed by 33 zeros, making the fine almost unfathomable. The fine is so large that it exceeds all the money on Earth. This massive fine puts into perspective the EU's fines based on a percentage of companies' global revenue, making them seem fair and reasonable. The fine has been accumulating for years due to Google's non-compliance with the Russian court's order. The enormous fine highlights the severity of the dispute between Google and Russia over YouTube accounts.
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