RSS DEV Community

Kubernetes Secrets | Secure Data Management

This lab teaches how to use Kubernetes Secrets to securely manage sensitive information such as passwords and API keys. The first step is to create a Kubernetes Secret that contains a database password, which is done by creating a YAML file with the secret's name, type, and Base64-encoded data. The secret is then applied to the cluster using the kubectl apply command. The secret is verified by running the kubectl get secrets command. The next step is to modify an application to use the secret to retrieve the database password, which is done by creating a Deployment YAML file that references the secret. The Deployment is applied to the cluster and verified using the kubectl get deployments command. The application's configuration is then verified by checking the value of the DATABASE_PASSWORD environment variable in a shell session in the container. The secret can also be mounted as a volume in a pod, allowing the application to read the secret value from the mounted volume. The secret is verified by running a command to print the value of the secret in the shell session. Overall, Kubernetes Secrets provide a secure way to manage sensitive information and should be used whenever possible.
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