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John Mearsheimer & Ron Paul Invade Washington, Blast Permanent War State: "Social Engineering At The End Of A Rifle Barrel"

John Mearsheimer and Ron Paul recently addressed the Ron Paul Institute's Liberty Platform Conference in Washington, D.C., discussing the dangers of US interventionism and the permanent war state. Mearsheimer explained that international anarchy means there is no higher authority in international politics, leading to a self-help system where states must rely on their own military power for protection. The United States has a voracious appetite for conquest and has built a powerful military, but its use of this power has been misguided since the end of the Cold War. The foreign policy establishment, comprising both Republicans and Democrats, decided to use the military to spread democracy and capitalism globally, leading to failed wars and blowback. Mearsheimer noted that the United States has a large and powerful military, but the question is how to use it. He emphasized that the United States has gone off the rails in its foreign policy, especially since the end of the Cold War. Mearsheimer also mentioned that he had to cancel a trip to China due to potential threats to his life, illustrating the consequences of being weak in an anarchic international system.
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